Sunday, 5 June 2016

National Cancer Survivors Day (USA)

“National Cancer Survivors Day is an annual, treasured Celebration of Life that is held in hundreds of communities nationwide, and around the world, on the first Sunday in June. It is a CELEBRATION for those who have survived, an INSPIRATION for those recently diagnosed, a gathering of SUPPORT for families, and an OUTREACH to the community. On National Cancer Survivors Day, thousands gather across the globe to honour cancer survivors and to show the world that life after a cancer diagnosis can be fruitful, rewarding, and even inspiring”

Survivor of cancer can be anyone who has been diagnosed with cancer, whether given an “all-clear” or not.

The event is in its  29th year and has been successfully replicated around the globe. It is a fantastic day for many people who have long tales to tell. These can be far more real and convincing than what is available at the clinic. Some of the accounts may be intimidating and therefore it is always recommended that someone in better health accompanies the new patient. It is advisable for families to speak to each other or the patient before letting the patient to patient interaction happen.

The event can be emotionally challenging for many to see people in worse health or even in better compared to theirs. But it also helps people see things in a different perspective and also know that they are not the only one and that they have friends who they can talk to. Many who arrive at the event end up being thick friends and can be seen socialising beyond that day.

There are almost 15 million patients in the world who at have been diagnosed with one kind of cancer. Lung cancer, breast and colorectal are the front runners. There is an 70% chance that the cancer one may develop will be below the shoulder and up to the end of pelvis. During the cancer survivor day patients and non-patients often learn how spot signs of cancer, how to know when a medication is working, what complications to expect and how to make sure that screening is never forsaken. The event generally has a pharma company as a sponsor an is attended by people from hospitals

Anyone can organise this day locally, please visit NGOs website that owns this trademark and a few set of guidelines can help you organise a spectacular event. The website for them is:

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